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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Harry Potter : Quidditch World Cup

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Game Name : Harry Potter : Quidditch World Cup
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2004-09-13 15:34:02
Views : 27891

Faster brooms
If you want a really fast broom and play dirty team specials, choose Slytherin. They have Nimbus 2001 brooms and their special gets you 20 points. Japan has Firebolts, but does not have a strong team.

Avoiding Bludgers:
When someone shoots a Bludgerm turn around so your Beaters are in front of you. The CPU will run the Bludger directly towards your Beaters and they will just knock it away. This works almost all of the time. If it does not, you probably
turned around too late or your Beaters did not get in front of you in time. This will even works on the Firebolt level.

Get Bludgers quickly
Hold L + R while pressing A to make combo passes. However, pass quickly or it will not work. Then, use L and R and make a shot while holding one of those buttons to finish your combo. This will give you Bludgers faster.

Recommended team
The best team to pick for Hogwarts is the Ravenclaw team. The Ravenclaw team has a Team Special Move that allows to get 30 points.

Better items
To acquire almost anything, you must first collect Quidditch Cards. To unlock the best broomstick, the Firebolt, you must collect 50 Quidditch Cards.

More Quidditch Cards
To get more Quidditch Cards, play the Challenges and beat the Team Record. Win matches, each with a different team, in the Hogwarts or World Cup.

Queerditch Marsh
To play in the place where they first invented Quidditch, called Queerditch Marsh, win the Quidditch World Cup with any country. You can play multi-player or against the CPU.

Easy scoring
At the beginning of a match, hold the Left Analog-stick Up/Right to start out with possession of the Quaffle, making it easier for the first score. Usually making the first score assures that you will win the match as long as you follow the other scoring tips.

House Challenges
For the Passing challenge, when a ring turns white, it is about to change to either yellow or green. Use that to see who to shoot it to.

For the Tackle and Shoot, it is best to tackle as soon as you can. When you shoot, look carefully for an open ring. Hold Shoot, then launch.

For the Seeker, hold A until you get close enough. Note: It may be difficult to steer.

For the Beaters and Bludgers, the best way to avoid the Bludgers is to stay either ahead of it or to the side of it so the Beaters can whack it away.

For the Special Moves, use a similar strategy from Tackle and Shoot, except with a Special move.

For the Combos challenge, hold L + R down and keep pressing A as fast as possible to do up to eight combos. Watch out for the Keeper.

World Cup
To play in the World Cup, you must defeat all three other teams with one team. Note: At the Quidditch Cup for Hogwarts and the Quidditch World Cup, it is best to replay any matches that you have lost to keep your score up.

Team moves
Keep collecting Quidditch cards for your team until your receive the Quidditch card for its special move. Note: Look at the locked cards to find out their unlock requirements. You must get enough cards to do the team's special move. A
message under your team score will appear when you are able to do the team special move. Play well during a match to increase your Snitch power bar until the message appears.

Get Snitch gauge up
To get your Snitch gauge up, whenever you pass to another player hold R + L to make a combo pass. After that, you must score to get your gauge up. The more combo passes you make, the more your Snitch gauge increases. If you do a lot of passes with combos and the other team steals the Quaffle, you must do more combo passes to get your Snitch gauge up.

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